I have a story in this anthology

One World 
The anthology is doing great. Eleven weeks out, we're at #16! And we haven't been worse than #49. I've been asking myself why it continues doing so well, and the only answer I can come up with is superior writing!
No, I'm not bragging. In fact, I count myself extremely fortunate to be associated with these fine writers! We haven't had a review less than three stars - and even these were filled with kind words!
One World has mostly received good reviews, but also two "angry" reviews, for my treatment of an American Icon (John F. Kennedy). I didn't think these criticisms were fair, because they missed the point I was trying to make. Then I remembered what I was taught in a Poetry class years ago: That, once you offer it to the public, one's [writing] becomes the Readers'. And, I recently read a quote: "If you aren't upsetting anyone, you're probably not writing anything worthwhile."
So I am placated. At least no one attacked my style/capability!
I hope the anthology continues doing well. Inklings Press is more than happy about it! If you'd like to read it, you can get your copy here: